
I became interested in learning Energy Medicine when I started to see angels and auras in my sessions. A couple of years after that, I decided to get my Attunements and since then my spiritual gifts have been able to expand tremendously!

I am a Reiki Master and was trained at Spirit of the Lakes Yoga, where I received my Attunements.

The inner healing that takes place during Energy Medicine goes beyond the physical support I am able to provide in my bodywork sessions. It is a powerful way to integrate your healing work.

We can store trauma and emotions within ourselves; Energy Medicine can help bring those deep wounds up and move them out of the body. During sessions people will often experience visuals, dreams, receive messages, and be super aware of certain parts of their bodies.

Your session will bring you deep relaxation and most importantly, help you with overcoming grief, loss, abuse, childhood trauma, generational trauma, and energetic ties that aren’t serving you. If you are an empath or intuitive learning to harness your own abilities, Energy Medicine mixed with CranioSacral Therapy is a powerful tool for protecting your own energy.

Energy Medicine & CranioSacral Therapy

 “It is difficult to describe the magnitude of a session with Britt. Some words that come to mind are powerful, overwhelming, thought provoking, surreal, amazing, calming, stress relieving, and helpful.  I leave sessions with her full of love, light, and an eagerness and excitement to move forward. I am full of a refreshed sense of confidence and truth. I can walk into a session with high anxiety, near tears and leave so invigorated and at ease.”

“…the energy work is another layer that I enjoy. One day I came to Britt with tears and I was a ball of stress. I literally left a different person. The Reiki/energy work helps to clear my head, release any toxic energy (for me that usually comes out in the form of tears), and slow down. I also leave extremely relaxed. It helps promote self-care in the sense that I usually spend the rest of the day making choices and doing things to take care of myself. We all could use a little self-love!”

PS. While there are lightworkers (like me) who were born to help you along the journey, at the end of the day healing is up to you.

You have the make the effort. You must find the people, make the calls, show up, take action and follow through.

I can channel your angles, give you the information but it’s up to you to utilize it. I can open that tissue but it’s up to you to be consistent with movement, nutrition, hydration, and getting back on my table. I can assist in releasing trapped traumas but it’s within you to fully process them. I can help you navigate your health goals but you have to be diligent with following through.

No ones gonna save you but you! No two journeys are alike and you must pave your own road.

When you are working with someone to achieve your health goals, keep in mind it’s a partnership. I can’t help you, without you.


You are worth it.